Obchodujte bezpečne s Ruskom- sprievodca 2015

Tlačová správa

Amsterdam, 08 Október 2015

To help exporters maximise their chances of business success in Russia, Atradius Credit Insurance has published a “Trade safely with Russia” guide.

“Trade safely with Russia” is a summary of ten principles that exporters should take into consideration when planning or engaging in transactions with buyers in Russia. The principles are meant to help increase export success to Russia by avoiding or preparing for potential pitfalls. Atradius will also broadcast a free webinar on this topic on 15 October at 15:00 Central European Time.

The “Trade safely with Russia” guide can be downloaded free of charge from the Atradius website where you can also register to attend the free webinar.

About Atradius
Atradius provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections services worldwide through a strategic presence in 50 countries. Atradius has access to credit information on 200 million companies worldwide. Its credit insurance, bonding and collections products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks associated with selling products and services on trade credit. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC), one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit insurance.

For further information:
Atradius Corporate Communications
John Blackwell
Tel.: +31 20 553 2047
E-mail: john.blackwell@atradius.com

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