Medzinárodný sprievodca vymáhania pohľadávok 2016

Tlačová správa

Amsterdam, 23. júna 2016 - Atradius Collections- sprievodca medzinárodného vymáhania pohľadávok v rámci 42 krajín

Atradius Collections releases the 10th edition of the International Debt Collections Handbook, explaining the different stages of amicable settlement, laws around collections, legal proceedings and insolvency procedures in 42 countries. Two new countries were included in this edition: Indonesia and Croatia.

No business is immune to the risks associated with international trade. Wherever trade occurs on credit, which according to the Atradius Payment Practices Barometer 2016 accounts for over 37% of transactions in Europe, there is the risk of late payment or even non-payment. The poor payment behaviour coupled with the diversity and complexity of country specific debt collections procedures, legislation and cultural approaches can be challenging for companies worldwide. As more than 42% of the foreign B2B sales in Europe were reported to have been made on credit, it is inevitable that some collection cases will end up being processed in court or even filed via insolvency proceedings.

When it comes to legal proceedings, there are considerable variations from one country to another. The handbook will prove especially useful to organisations lacking in-house resources in international collections or credit management. This in-depth information can help businesses make better decisions and take necessary measures beforehand, to minimise potential future risk.

About the International Debt Collections Handbook

Since its launch, the International Debt Collections Handbook has established itself as a key tool supporting businesses in making their decisions concerning collections in foreign countries. International debt collection and country specific legal systems create challenges that can affect every business. Rudi De Greve, Global Operations Director at Atradius Collections stated: “The handbook consists of information gathered by local experienced collectors and lawyers, making it a trusted international debt collections navigator.”

The International Debt Collections Handbook is available at:


About Atradius Collections

Through a presence in 25 countries, Atradius Collections provides trade invoice collection services in 96% of the countries across the world. Its wide breadth of services, ranging from first party to legal collections, helps companies around the globe recover unpaid invoices. Atradius forms part of Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC), one of the leading insurers in Spain and worldwide in credit insurance.


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